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2 min read
Are you in a rut?
Back in 2008 when the movie THE SECRET came out, it was one of the most depressing and abundant-less times for me. I was excited to have...

3 min read
Your Emotional Foundation
Last night was a new moon, a time where people’s emotions (females specifically) always seem to be a touch more sensitive. I found myself...

3 min read
Intuition in Business
When you don’t use your intuition in your business (and life of course), you are essentially driving a vehicle without a GPS. You are...

3 min read
Finding Your Soul's Roadmap
Would you like to start having the reality that’s up on your vision board? It is a brand new season and the perfect time to ask yourself...

2 min read
Start the wave.
BE the kind one. BE the generous one. BE the positive one. BE the motivator, the starter and the one that genuinely cares. BE ...

2 min read
Goddess Power
There are many levels of your being and no matter how long you live, you will never even fully understand how powerful you are. You...

4 min read
The desire to create something special.
You probably desire creating something special with the time you have here on Earth. You want to create a legacy that will be...

3 min read
Feeling stressed out lately?
It doesn’t seem to matter what you are working on, time passes by so quickly. If you have been feeling stressed and/ or off your game...

1 min read
Experience the world through your own eyes.
Growing up artsy, I seem to find an appreciation in many of my life’s simple wonders. A few of my very favorite things are the way a...

2 min read
You can find inspiration in the sky.
Look up at the sky. It can be a marvelous thing, don’t you think? It can be peaceful or thunderous, serene or even angry. I have always...

2 min read
Garden yourself into feeling good.
The beautiful lush leaves of a lilac tree, sprouting daffodils, thick green ground cover... Spring really is the most exciting time for a...

2 min read
Be open to inspiration.
Your personal perspective is what keeps you stuck in the creativity-lacking groove. The truth is, for those people who are open to...

2 min read
Have you found your "verve" yet?
Your “verve” is your amazingly special ability or talent to be able to pull something off with style, panache, and ease. It is that...

1 min read
You create your life, every single day.
YOU are energy. Energy is love. Love is creation. Creation is the Universe. The Universe is YOU. The principles of creativity are really...

3 min read
Do you know your soul's mission statement?
It's helpful to find clarity in what we want our lives to look like. But the truth is, we don’t have to make it this stressful thing that...

1 min read
Every thought is a seed.
We are all guided by our thoughts. Much like our thoughts, which can be positive or negative; they too will create something. Whatever...

4 min read
What type of Intuitive are you?
For those of you that are not familiar with that term "Empath", an empath is a person who is highly sensitive to the space and people...

3 min read
Do you know your ''Creative Bliss''?
It’s that feeling of ease, love, beauty and harmony; all at once. One's Creative Bliss is different for everyone, because relaxation,...
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