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2 min read
The Power of Organizing and Clearing Your Mind at the Start of a New Year
The new year symbolizes fresh beginnings, a clean slate, and an opportunity for growth. However, it also presents a perfect moment to...

2 min read
My OCD Christmas Tree Story
This year, my Christmas tree taught me the virtues of patience and embracing the flow of life—just a little more than usual. If you're...

1 min read
The Celtic New Year
Today is a very important day – It is the Celtic New year (October 31st)! It really doesn’t matter if you follow Celtic traditions or...

2 min read
The Four Levels of Healing
There are four types of healing that take place; physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. I love this fact, because if you know...

2 min read
10 Keys to Creative Success
These ways/ or methods are very simple, yet when followed you will find that they encompass exactly what you need to improve your...

3 min read
Eating Good Vibrations
Do you ever find that after you eat a fresh salad, garden herbs or natural quality foods; you simply feel better? I always used to...

2 min read
The Magic of Winter Solstice
This time of year often presents itself as being very hard for people. It is the time between the Winter Solstice and the brand new year....

3 min read
Does your path feel authentic?
The entrepreneurial title you are using, such as “The Success Expert”, could be self sabotaging your ability to up-level. I see people...

2 min read
Choosing Gold
I actually have a story that talks specifically about GOLD, so I wanted to share it with you. All my life I had always been really good...

2 min read
Let go of what doesn't serve you... anymore.
Well, it’s that time of year again. A time of holiday colors, delicious food and time spent with friends and family. I always find that...

1 min read
17 Magical Thoughts
We all came from stardust. Today will never happen again. You have to make it count! Doing a creative task every single day, will...

3 min read
Make this fall magical.
Every season, I like to take the time to think about what that season brings us; the different types of beauty, activities, experiences,...

3 min read
Need to get out of a funk?
Getting out of a funk like this a funk in which you don’t want to work on your business, don’t want to do household duties, don’t want to...

2 min read
You ARE Your Business
Life and business are one. Even if you are not personally in business, you are still promoting YOURSELF to the world, therefore promote a...

2 min read
The Reality of a Creative Person
Living with a naturally creative mind and heart is beautiful and inspiring. You love everything and want to do/ be everything. It also...

4 min read
The book that changed my life.
I am excited to share this story with you, because it happened exactly 10 years ago to the day! It was August 30th, 2011 and the reason...

13 min read
Is it time to add more magic to your life?
The idea of being open to life’s miracles and mysteries is what opens the door to a more harmonious, miraculous and magical life. I feel...

3 min read
Fall is the perfect season for reassessment.
Look at the beauty all around you. Believe it or not, I never used to like the fall. To me it felt like the summer was gone and the...

1 min read
Are you addicted to making it work?
Most people actually are addicted to making it work out. Just because you might be feeling as though you are struggling, doesn’t mean...

4 min read
The Importance of Clarity
I can’t even tell you how powerful finally receiving clarity can be. When I heard the word ‘clarity’, I used to think about it as...
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