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Which coffee/ tea cup would you regularly drink out of?

Read the answer below to see what it says about you!


1 – You are quirky, everyone’s pal, and an up-for-anything kind of person.  You look for the good in other people and that makes you feel good yourself.  You are a fun seeker that loves animals, movies and a good gossip fest.  You most likely tend to spend your time with very good friends and family members, rather than seeking out a steamy romance.  Initiating intense sports and activities is really not your thing.  You are responsible and creative; yet don’t like to take on too many major responsibilities.  Let’s say you like to keep things light.  Your task is to add a big responsibility to your life, even if for a short while.  Not necessarily having a child… but maybe you could join your buildings decision making panel, shovel an elderly person’s driveway for the winter, or sign up to be a “Big Brother/ Sister” at a youth group.


2 – You love good quality items, are very detailed and have a classic approach to most things.  You are a delicate individual that dislikes disruption in your routine.  Hip and modern, you have a confidence about your appearance, but there is lower self esteem underneath it all.  You are an intelligent old soul that loves control yet sometimes unknowingly puts the control into other people’s hands.  You have to be careful, for sometimes you tend to trust the wrong people.  You love a good chat that brings up people’s inspiration and outlooks on life.  Anxiety, nervousness and addictive tendencies can sometimes take over you.  Your love for adventures and group settings make you feel at home, for you never want to miss a social gathering.  Your task is to regroup and take control of your life in all areas.  You are in charge of your life and have the ability to be an independent person that makes their own intelligent decisions.  You don’t need someone else to decide things for you.


3 – You love being of service in some way.  You are a hit at the office, organizing and planning the lunch meetings and holiday gatherings.  Once you put your feet up at home, it’s a whole other story.  Your personal life can tend to be a juggling act, making you feel out of control and nervous.  You want to be the spokesperson for having it all and being calm, cool and collected; yet the quirky signs and memos that you leave around for yourself, are a constant reminder.  You need to focus more time on yourself and finding a nice balance.  Of course it is fun having your life look like a fun movie or TV show (Like The Office), but you are human and need more time for contemplation and deep thinking.  You tend to be the authoritative type at work, or when in service; but your own life needs a solid boss too.  You.  Your task is to spend the time taking charge of your life outside of work.  Whether this means standing up for your place in this world, organizing your home or signing up for a new program or class, you can start to feel comfortable feeling balanced in all aspects of your life.


4 – Always on the go… Never enough time… Right?  There are just not enough hours in a day to get everything done.  You dislike being alone with your own thoughts, that is why you keep so busy.  You are a very disciplined person, yet you need to take the time to figure out what you really want to do with your life.  Spend more time with people that inspire you and make you feel good.  You need to take your image conscious energy and put it into a craft or hobby that takes you down a new path.  In the mean time try journaling, or writing out your thoughts.  It is time to start observing the world around you as a magnificent miracle.  Take the time to slow down and truly start observing.   Your task is to do nothing for a full day… maybe two.  Literally try to do nothing.  You will slowly ease into it.  Being on the go desensitizes us from life.


5 – Reflective and kind, you need more excitement in your life.  You feel confused on the topic of your goals and future, but you know being of some kind of service is important. You need to find out what really makes you happy.  People and animals are important to you, especially animals.   You tend to have a real tacky side to you that promotes you dancing to the rhythm of your own drum.   You love life’s feel good moments, but need to work on your own self love.  You too need to feel important and understood.  You need to be recognized for your kind soul and your place in the world.  Your task is to give yourself a day of total fun and enjoyment.  Leave the worries aside for a full day and give yourself the gift of peace, joy and spontaneity.


6 – You are a hardworking, moody person that only feels comfortable blending in to the background and holding in your feelings.  You don’t think that you can make a big difference in the world, so you don’t (or have stopped trying).  You have a strong desire to be something more and really contribute to life.  You have a simplicity and sadness to you that most people feel when they are with you.  You feel that life’s meaning comes from the darker moments, as if they define you.  Depression and discontent does not add depth and substance to your life, it takes away from it.  Take your colorless drawing out into the world and splash bright colorful paint on it.  This is your life, so make it as colorful as possible.  Your task is to create something or develop something that brings you and others joy.


7 – Slightly high strung, you are usually quite a worried person that likes the schedule and the familiar.  You tend to live life right on the surface, never getting really deep into anything.  Mind blowing and deep relationships scare you, for it tends to feel too much for you.  Do not just follow the path of society or those close to you.  Develop your own dreams and interests… Find what makes you truly happy.  You have a great empathy for others and can be quite a sensitive person if your friends are not looking.  You have some kind of strong faith that you let guide your life.  You feel more comfortable when you are not in charge and leaving it up to fate.  You enjoy the balance of your day to day routine and all of your decisions are very thought out.  You might feel that you have not found your authentic self yet, but that is because you need to become more independent and discover who YOU really are.  Your task is to join a group or class that is completely out of your comfort zone.  Just try it.  It will help you decide what you truly love.


8 – A mysterious individual, you are edgy and full of new innovative ideas.  You have an authentic creative flare that helps you develop visionary ideas.  You are a deep thinker, committed to your craft and slightly introverted; for it helps you recharge your energy.  When you are designing in front of your computer, journaling, writing or playing music, or painting; you are most at home.  Your intelligence is strong, you just have to trust your intuition and work on your inspired thought without question.  No more procrastination!  That is your downfall.  Your task is to create a list of everything that you are working on and pick the top 5 most important things.  Work on them and leave the rest for now.  It’s time to complete some major tasks and feel free when you do.


9 – You love to feel liked and adored by everyone.  A great day for you is getting lost in a deep conversation, a good book, learning something new or listening to music.  You appreciate being educated, for you feel it gives you power.  You desire to be known as someone who has accomplished many things, but your selfish tendencies can block you from the image you wish to hold.  Putting yourself first is alright if it is not at the expense of other people.  You need to hop out of your bubble and assess life from a clear and grounded perspective.  Your thinking needs more balance and more appreciation.  Spending time in nature, or donating your time to a charity or cause in your area could really shift your mind set.  Your task is to do something kind for someone or something, anonymously.  The idea is to do something for others that come from your heart.  No one else has to know about it.


10 – Simply put, you love to get things done.  You don’t waste time and are quite open minded.  You are willing to consider new ideas, new ways of thinking and new opportunities.  You actually are quite logical and linear, yet want to be a full blown creative individual.  You are probably a great writer, student or chef; yet throwing colorful paint onto a blank canvas truly scares you.  It is the unknown of the paints mixing and dripping that makes you feel uncomfortable.  You tend to be one who needs to be reminded to go with the flow, embrace your intuition and creativity.  You need to spend more time JUST BEING.  If you need some true creative inspiration, get out into a beautiful forest and into nature.  Nature is the most natural form of creativity.  It will show you the way.  Your task is to buy a white canvas (or bring out a plain white sheet you no longer need), and throw paint on it, draw on it, just make it crazy and make it yours.  It is for no one else.  Have fun and be spontaneous.


11 – You are fun, creative, love to have a great time; yet don’t seem to follow through with anything.  You have a tendency to start many great projects, yet you get bored, discouraged or just feel that those things are not for you.  You tend to be judgemental about many things, holding very strong ideas about people and the way things should be.  This probably stems from an underlined insecurity that makes you feel as though you are not good enough or cannot keep up with life.  You are one that does not like to start something without direction.  You need to be more open-minded, for an open mind gives you the power and opportunity to shift your life in amazing directions.  Who cares about everyone else?  When you really let go and experience the flow of life, life will stop feeling so hard for you.  If you want to be a leader and not a follower, start thinking for yourself.  Increase your self confidence by being your own person in every way.  Stop comparing yourself to your friends, family or magazines.  Your task is to write down 10 things that are unique about you.  Even if you do not love all of the things on your list, they are important because they are yours and no one else’s.


12 – You are a fun and whimsical person, that lives life looking through rose colored glasses.  Some people may say you are larger than life, but it is really your good vibes they are speaking about.  You love social gatherings and love making people laugh and feel good.  You are happy when other people are happy.  Remember, your life is YOUR life.  You can help other people reach their goals and succeed, but what about you?  It is time you worked on yourself.  Sometimes you can feel depressed when you are alone for too long, for you like to bounce ideas and energy off of other people.  Let more people into your personal life, for it is a big part of your development and inspired thinking.  Your task is to have a great conversation and spend time with someone that you would like to add to your list of friends.


13 – You care deeply about other people and world issues, yet don’t know how you can help within the walls of your own home.  You are overwhelmed with the world around you.  You like the safe and familiar.  You probably look back at your yester-years, wishing things where just as they once were.  Ahhhh… “The good old days”.  What makes these current days not good?  Change happens, but you have to learn how to roll with the times and situations, adding positive twists on everything.  You tend to blame others for things that have happened, but everyone is the creator of their own life.  You can quickly feel overcome with sadness or depression, but you need to break though these glum feelings with appreciation of all that you have been given and currently have.  Even if you have almost nothing, there is someone that still has less.  When you open your eyes to the beauty that is all around you, your life simply gets better.  It’s time for a change.  Your task is to write down 10 things that you truly feel grateful for and that simply make you happy.


14 – You love to sit in the sun and enjoy a cold drink after a hard day of work.  You tend to lack ambition, for you feel there is no point.  You enjoy a quality life, yet feel that tomorrow is very much out of your hands.  You feel stuck and want to get more out of life.  You love family and friends, for the simple things in life are still very important to you.  You love to be involved and don’t like to miss out on anything.  There is a part of you that wants to make a difference in the world, but sometimes this urge overwhelms you.  If you feel overwhelmed, start small.  Helping build a tree-fort for your neighbor’s child is still making a difference.  Taking chances and stepping out of your comfort zone will bring new experiences into your life.  Your task is to do something great for another person without payment.  Tell them to simply… PAY IT FORWARD.


15 – You are a full of energy person that loves to stir things up in your own way.  Secure in your own skin, you love to be the center of attention, but it is because you are the prankster, jokester and natural MC.  You want everyone to have fun and enjoy their time with you.  You never want to miss an adventure, and you are usually the last one to leave the party.  If you left early, that would mean you might miss out on a story you could tell later.  You are a kind individual that loves to dish it out, but has a hard time receiving it from others.  Underneath it all you are actually quite a simple person and feel emotions quite deeply.  Don’t cover all of your anxiety and emotions up with jokes and goofiness. You need to feel more balance when it comes to your feelings.  Your task is to allow yourself time to cry or yell into a pillow.  Let it all out.

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