I can’t even tell you how powerful finally receiving clarity can be. When I heard the word ‘clarity’, I used to think about it as something clean or clear. I never really referred to it as the number one business MUST HAVE.
All my life I have been a very creative person. I’ve always loved to do so many things. I wanted to try so many careers and hobbies simply to make sure that I had experienced them all. I never wanted to look back and think to myself “I wish I had tried that”. Being a creative person is amazing, rewarding and colorful; however it can also be very difficult. Our minds whirl around in twenty different directions all at once. I am sure I am not alone when I say this.
Long story short… years ago my family thought it was quite comical how I would constantly be trying new things and doing something new every-single-year. ‘Comical’ meaning they thought it was flighty and a bit dumb of me not to be locking down my 50 year career in something solid, something they understood, something mainstream. It’s not that I ever failed at any of those things that I tried out, it was actually the opposite. I tried them all to experience them. I wanted to try anything that I thought I would love, but found that they all were not my soul’s true purpose and at the time… I had no idea what my soul’s true purpose was.
When I finally started working with my very first business coach, I realized what I wanted my life to look like and how I needed to get there. I was getting clear on some very simple feelings that I wanted to achieve. Things actually began to make sense. I was amazed. I stopped one day in total amazement. I realized that I had wasted over $70,000 over the past number of years NOT BEING CLEAR about my future direction. I had always thought that being a very capable person, I could just figure it out on my own!? Eventually.
Getting clear can be a very scary thing at first. We initially say no to clarity because it means our life will change when we find it. People who are ready for that clarity defining journey are people that want to make a difference in their life. Truth be told, you are only going to be able to change something in your life if you are energetically ready for it. This is the same for a clear and concise plan for your future. Clarity will make you change for the better. It will make you stop wasting your time. It will get you out of our comfort zone. It will have you stop wasting money!
My mind was now crystal CLEAR on what I wanted to spend my time and energy on. I was able to determine what I really LOVED to do and what I really LIKED to do. I was able to pin point what I wanted to give to the world and what my goals really were. I had been wasting so much time and procrastinating with things I only LIKED to do. But why?
Because when you don’t have CLARITY with your life’s path, your random decisions and choices have you working for other’s needs, using up your energy on tasks that are simply ways for you to procrastinate and have you waste dollar after dollar on things you have no real emotional interest in doing.
The moment I was clear on my path and my mission, the most interesting things started to happen to me. I met all the right people, manifested all the right experiences and was continually happy. My life literally turned onto another road. It was a scary unknown road, for it had not been down it before. I started meeting individuals that meshed with my dreams and goals. I started noticing all different ways of doing things and seeing signs that we’re leading me forward.
Clarity is your road map to success. It won’t lead you astray. Your life totally shifts into a beautiful direction.
I still partake in many of those fun hobbies, but I know the difference between whether or not it is something that I want to my creative, inspiring, passionate, determined, thoughtful energy into… or not.
So the question is, and I wish I asked myself this earlier in life, but… Why are you waiting to find clarity? If it’s the time factor, you have to ask yourself “How much is my time worth?” If it’s the money factor , you have to ask yourself “How much am I really worth to continue on the path I’m on now? If it’s fear, don’t worry, you are not alone!
You can live the life of your dreams when you get clear on how you want to feel and what you truly love doing. The easy answer to all of this, is feel good by BEING YOU. Fill out the form here to receive a free Creative Soul Guidance call with me.