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Is it time to add more magic to your life?

Nov 8, 2024

13 min read




The idea of being open to life’s miracles and mysteries is what opens the door to a more harmonious, miraculous and magical life. I feel as though staying open to the metaphysical and spiritual realm provides us with a childlike way of seeing the world around us. When we allow opportunities and experiences into our daily life, amazing experiences can show up that may not have been there before. Experiences that provide us with a wholehearted view of finding answers that we are looking for.

For those of us that already embrace the magical and mystical side of life, I probably don’t need to say that it can be easy to find optimism, understanding and beauty even on the darkest of days. So why would that be? For those that are wondering, the answer is not something that can be given in a single blog post, for It would literally be me trying to describe the secret of life. Don’t get me wrong, everyone has their bad days, but what I can say is that this magical and spiritual ability to feel better and hopeful comes from a developed awareness, an understanding of the Earth and a strong mindset that YOU are not alone. There is so much to learn when it comes to the mysterious and unknown, but if we all make the conscious decision that we will be open to all of life’s sparkly gifts, things will surely feel different. Under it all I truly feel that the main idea behind a really magical life, is feeling of connection. Connection to one another and connection to the universe.

I have been asked several times lately about where to start when one want to increase their life’s potential, magic and light. It is not the easiest question to answer as it is different for everyone. I have put together a few key topics that might help you jump start the magic in your life, broadening the subject of metaphysics and new age thinking. It is truly a fun and wonderful space to be in. 

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”  -Albert Einstein


Keeping a loving and an open heart – An open heart is the most wonderful gift that we can give ourselves, to others and to the entire planet. It is the ability to let go of all your fear, anger, guilt, resentment, jealousy and anything else that is blocking your heart from expanding like a beautiful red poppy. When we live from the heart, we are living from a place of peace, growth and expansion. All areas of our lives will start to change. They will literally start to bloom. When our hearts are open, there is no ego. When our hearts are open, we allow our spirit to guide us down our soul’s authentic path.

Believing in / trusting oneself – We need to affirm to ourselves, what we want to become. Really get into the role and believe it. Our state of mind is reflected in all the cells of our bodies. If we wait for someone to anoint us a worthy __________, we may be waiting forever. Believing is the start of the creation process. When inspirations and new ideas pop, we have to act on them and trust them. Why would we lie to ourselves?

Keeping your eyes open to signs and synchronicities around you – A number of amazing moments are missed by being behind the lens of a camera, being on your cell phone, and not noticing what’s happening around us. What moments are we not truly experiencing due to our busy schedules, being on our phone or on our computer? When we experience all of life, we get more out of life. This topic also has to do with staying in tune with our intuition. If we invite signs and details into our lives, they will appear in front of us.

Understanding the Fibonacci sequence – For those that do not already know about the Fibonacci sequence, I suggest looking it up. The patterns and coincidences in nature are mind blowing. I won’t get too into this, but here is the short version. It has been called the Secret of the Universe, Nature’s Path of Least Resistance, and The Golden Key to the Cosmos.  It is the Master Code of Growth, beauty, unity and success, guiding everything from the spiral of the Milky Way, to the arrangement of seeds in flower heads, to the life of the honey bee, curl of an ocean wave, spiral of a fern or the center of a shell.  It is present in the structure, growth, movement and behavior of plants, animals and humans, even our DNA. The human face follows this specific ratio, some finding people’s faces which are truer to this ratio, more attractive. The Golden Ratio and Fibonacci Sequence appears throughout the universe and in all fields including art, mathematics, medicine, relationships, science, architecture, astronomy, finance, health, geometry, beauty, business, culture, design and spirituality.

Understanding energy and how it works – Everything in the entire universe is energy. Albert Einstein even said it in his equation E=MC2 (energy is equal to mass multiplied by the speed of light squared). The air we breathe, our homes, a plane, a tree and everything in between, is all energy. Everything just looks different because it is vibrating at different frequency levels. But essentially, it’s all the same stuff. It can be a tricky concept to grasp, but that is how remote healing can work, remote viewing and accurate intuitive readings. There is no separation between anyone.

Listening to our intuition – Our whole lives are just a reflection of the story that we tell ourselves. When we move past the stories and hone in on the actuality of how we feel about certain things, what our bodies are telling us, etc; our lives will start to take a much different turn then the story we keep feeding them. Our lives will start to make sense and develop a sense of harmony and ease.

Understanding our body’s messages – Our bodies are always telling us something. This information comes from our intuition switchboard which is always working overtime. Headaches, sinus issues, sore feet, back pain, developed diseases are never a coincidence. Understanding the ways that our bodies are trying to relay messages is amazingly interesting and very helpful. It is so important that we do not mask these feelings and sensations with drugs, for this is our body telling us what is bothering us. Have lower back pain? If so, is there any chance that you are stressed about money? That is the number one spot for financial stress! Something else that is interesting is muscle testing. It’s a fun and accurate way to find out how we feel about something. It is accurate because our bodies will never lie to us.

Reading the signs of nature and animals – Animals, weather, sounds, smells, etc, can provide us with messages and guide us down different paths, but only if we are open to receiving their messages. All of nature is our connection to the unknown, the un-thought of and the outer world. All natural signs are magical, powerful or angelic. Much like tuning into our intuition, we can look to the sky for a feeling or look into the meanings of seeing a specific animal, to receive an answer to a question.

Being open to receiving inspiration – Our personal perspective is what keeps us stuck in the “creativity lacking” groove. The truth is that for those people who are open to receiving inspiration from life around them, a creative and more enriching life comes easier to them. If we are having trouble finding inspiration in our day to day, we can start with the simple things. Look at the way the evening sun goes down upon the leaves of a Birch tree. Gaze in appreciation at the way the morning haze hangs around the mountains. Look at how the sun shines upon an object. See the birds sit upon the wire outside speaking to one another as if in a large meeting. It’s life at its finest!  We might not know exactly what will inspire us, but we do know what makes us feel good. Start with the things that feel good… such as a morning walk, being with loved ones, gardening, reading, etc.

Understanding our aura/ personal energy – Our aura is an energetic version of our physical form.  When it is strong and in ‘good shape’ it not only acts in providing a protective layer around the body, but also our aura adds to our overall ‘vibe’ and appearance. When one’s aura is weak, we can easily feel sick, disconnected to life and feel extremely tired. Like our immune system, we want to keep our aura in good health for it is very much a part of our body. For those who can see people’s auras, it is commonly said that when a person is sick or ill their aura turns dark or even black. Many ancient cultures from around the world trust that keeping their aura fields strong and healthy, will in turn help them live a long and healthy life. Take the time to decide on a personal image that represents perfect form and health. When we are feeling low or down, it is important for us to mentally hold that image and concentrate on raising our energetic vibration. And believe me, it will!

Understand the benefits of growing plants and herbs – Growing gardens full or flowers, vegetables and herbs is not only rewarding, but just makes one feel great! Herbs not only are good for our soul, they are extremely high vibrational foods. Yes, foods do vibrate. For example fresh produce and fresh herbs vibrate up to a level of up to 30 HZ and dried herbs up to a level of 25 HZ. These foods all have a vibrational frequency that sends life giving energy straight to our cells, organs, and tissue. Eating organic is even better for us due to the fact that organic foods contain up to 10x the mineral content. Canned foods, processed foods and GMOs all vibrate at O HZ! Simply put, they are not doing anything for our physical, mental, emotional or spiritual health. These foods are typically known for being anti-life foods because they are either not living, or virtually devoid of life. Canned, heated, refined and processed foods have literally had any possible life force energy taken out of them.

Understanding our soul’s mission – When we find our soul’s mission statement, the tasks that we work on at home, complete in our spare time, or do for our careers, suddenly might not seem so fragmented and separate after all. When we give ourselves a proper soul’s mission, our lives becomes guided down a path of what we feel you want to stand for and contribute towards. Things start to make sense and we start to feel more clarity! Our personal soul’s mission is a guiding feeling or statement that confidently leads us down the path of what we want to be contributing to this life.

Reading about everything that intrigues us – Reading and learning is truly such an amazing way to increase our inspiration and curiosity about life. If we can give ourselves the power to make educated decisions about what we want to believe in, spend time learning about and practicing, we will feel more fulfilled. Curiosity for learning about new things is the cure for almost everything.

Staying wild at heart – Be open to new experiences. Take a different route to work. Be open to meeting new people. Put happiness before success. Live magically! A wild at heart mindset is a confident one and it’s one that shouts out “I trust myself, my decisions and listen to my intuition.” When that wild mindset takes over us, we are free from judgement and free from society’s ideas of who we should be.

Feeling a connection to both light and dark – Life is made up of the law of polarity. Light and dark, happy and sad, man and woman, good and bad, etc. As much as we want to surround ourselves in the light, we have to find beauty in the darkness as well. This does not mean embrace one needs to embrace their negative or evil side, it simply means that as one loves the sun and all it does to make our beautiful earth grow, they can also be open to embracing the moon in the dark of night as it provides a continuous schedule for the earth, females, the tides and all of life. The Chinese black and white yin and yang symbol represents the Law of Polarity. The black part of the symbol stands for the woman as the white stands for the man. This symbol reminds us to love all of the beautiful parts of life, however we might encounter them.

Feed creativity – For those of us that say “I am just not creative”, guess what? We all are!  We might not be the most artsy of people, but we can learn to be. Creativity is truly a mind set. As one would learn math, one can learn creative habits and different ways of thinking. We all create our lives every single day. If we ever start to feel a bit stuck creatively, we can push ourselves into a colorful direction that we think we might enjoy.  At different parts of our lives it can be hard to see life’s wonders, but creative tasks can release us from sadness, ruts and lack of enthusiasm. We just have to give it a go and push ourselves. A creative life is a fulfilled life.

Do new things that are scary – It is so important to TRY things, even if we are scared to attempt them. When it comes to the business world, things can be even scarier. There are so many people online, on social media, or in books, that tell us to ‘do this’ or ‘do that’ and it can get very intimidating. We don’t want to look dumb, scared or like we have no idea what’s up. Ironically, there are a few things to consider if we have been feeling nervous or stuck regarding something that we might want to try. The idea is to exercise your fear muscle!

Spend time in nature – Remember when we would play outside, build forts, play sports, or read books? The outdoors increases our creativity and nature is one of the best places to relieve stress and gain clarity. Outdoors we can receive more oxygen, so naturally our energy and enthusiasm increases. Spending time in nature (and in the presence of animals), increases a child’s patience, kindness and understanding towards nature and the natural world. The outdoors naturally increases our mood! There is a scientific term called Biophilia that suggests that human beings spending time in natural settings, experience an increase in their overall sense of well-being. Nature boosts your immune system, so the outdoors can help you become more physically fit. Outside has the space and provides an inspiration to take walks, go on runs, play games, participate in sports, etc.

Using magical help – Magical help, such as oracle cards, tarot cards or runes, are life’s fun little tokens. They provide us with insight and direction in a world of uncertainty. All of these types of helpful things are essentially little fortune providers. Many people say it is just luck of the draw, but you always pick the right card.  Why…?  Our intuition always tells us what card to pick up.

Developing a connection with soul charms – I call soul charms anything little that makes someone feel good, safe, creative or empowered. This could be a lucky amethyst ring, a beautiful wooden carving one keeps on their desk for good luck, a garden Buddha, a crystal their mother gave them, wind chimes, special plants, jewelry, a lucky journal, a lucky pen, an angel one speaks to for guidance, a musical instrument that provides amazing music, etc. When we allow these little things in our lives to become happy treasures, life gets a little more magical. Don’t be scared or too shy to ask and soul charm for help or guidance. Whether it be a good luck ring or a spiritual statue, all soul charms are important.

Understanding intuitive types – The term Empath is a person who is highly sensitive to the space and people around them. They are extremely strong at picking up on the emotions of others and emotional frequencies that a space might still carry even after a person has vacated. For example, we have all probably been in a crowded space before and felt as though we just had to get out of it. Right? Our maybe moving into a new home, someone might feel the energy and emotions that make it feel heavy. Empaths technically feel everything around them that others feel. But here is the thing; I think it is important to break down this situation for everyone. One might be thinking, “Well that doesn’t sound like me, so I guess only Empaths technically have super powers.”  Think again! Every individual on this planet is a specific type of intuitive being, living their life either as a Mental Intuitive, Physical Intuitive, Spiritual Intuitive or Emotional Intuitive (also known as an Empath).

Make things special – Every time bills get paid (energetically it is best to do all in one clump), create art, have time alone, or even read in bed –  light a special candle to signify this special time. Let little enjoyments become little rituals, especially when they are are fueled by gratitude. If a fabulous smelling candle can make bill paying more fun and enjoyable, why not?

Ask for ‘higher’ help – It is important to ask for help from our spiritual staff (Archangels, angels, fairies, passed loved ones, your creator, etc). Developing a relationship with these helpful energies not only can help keep our stress levels down, but can provide an optimistic and calming outlook towards the future.

Staying present in the moment – Being still and aware in the present moment is one of the most amazing gifts we can give ourselves. Not only does it lower stress, increase intuition, increase awareness and bring joy to our lives, it encourages us to slow down in the busy world that surrounds us. When we gain awareness in our surroundings, it is easier for us to read the signs of nature as well as listen to our body’s messages.  Many people use restorative yoga as a guided present moment practice.

Understanding our “verve” – Learning about ourselves is not an overnight task. People can literally go a whole lifetime without finding out who they really are, however, paying attention to the signs around us and listening to our heart’s true desires, is what will help us find the answers to finding our verve, sooner than later. This is all a part of understanding who we are and what we want to stand for in our lives. The parts that make up the puzzle of our true selves are so important to hold on to. They are part of our inner formula that creates our very own zest for life. Who we are (on the inside) is a direct representation of how we want to show up in the world. EVERY decision we make is a direct reflection of who we are. When we really start to implement this, making decisions start to become much easier and life starts to flow with ease.

We are the creator – Every one of our thoughts is a seed. Earl Nightingale explains in his book The Strangest Secret, “We reap what we sow”. Any seed that we plant in the earth, with a bit of water, will eventually grow. It does not matter if its wheat, a rose, or poison ivy, it will grow! Much like our thoughts, which can be positive or negative, they too will create something. Whatever the thought, something will come of it. All we have to do is to realize where we are going and act as if it is impossible to fail. Everything on this Earth, including humans, came from the same material. This material, no matter how it looks is a form of energy.  Thoughts are also made up of energy and in our minds we form the shape of thoughts, continually focusing on them and making them grow. Every single person on this Earth is capable of creating and living their life as artfully as they want to. Whether our creative form takes shape through creative thought, decision making, writing, painting, music, the way that we raise our children, the way that we walk you dog, the different route we take to work, or the dessert you serve at dinner – our lives have the ability to truly be ART. We are creating every single day, so why not make it colorful.  Be as magical as you want to be, for in the end, this life is a masterpiece!

Invite in abundance – Just like when we concentrate on something that we desire, we need to acknowledge what we want to bring into our lives. Invite money in. Invite abundance in. Call in what is desired with a light heart and detachment to the outcome. These things will surely show up.

Nov 8, 2024

13 min read





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