Find out what your current life vibe is by taking a moment to look at the colorful patterns. Choose one pattern that you most resonate with. Find the answer to your choice below. Remember that the answer below represents your life vibration right now. Life is always changing and you too are always transforming. If you want it to, your life vibe can change too! Please let me know what you picked and if it was accurate for you.

1 – Fun
Life – You are life’s tour guide! You are easygoing and have a calm and laid-back attitude. The light and happy attitude you pack with you simply deal with life as it comes. You are one that tends to stay with the familiar and does not make any sudden changes.
Career – You love to be having fun while you contribute to other people’s lives. Intelligent and creative, you tend to work better in a hands-on environment, not in a classroom. You would make an amazing bartender, camp facilitator, event coordinator or someone who can contribute their fun personality to the hospitality industry. Office jobs are not good for you, but you could definitely be in sales if you believed in your product!
Relationships – Strangely when it comes to relationships, you tend to doubt yourself. You have a slight issue with commitment, for that means you have to sometimes get serious. Your insecurities tend to hold you back.
Advice – You are awesome! You have a kind beautiful loving heart. Your desire to bring happiness to people has such a profound impact on the world around you… yet, you are just being you. People are naturally drawn to you. Take a little time to appreciate yourself and know that you make a great partner. Have a little more confidence. Don’t be so focused on your shortcomings. No one is perfect- but you are pretty darn awesome!
2 – Control
Life – You tend to feel frustrated, anxious, and rigid; when it comes to your ideas and what people think of them. Your focus on always being ‘right’, can leave you being unforgiving and judgemental. Negativity can tend to rule you, as you are not one to ever waste your time on ‘stupid stuff’. You need to ditch the need for status-quo and fill your glass up to be half-full.
Career – Your urge to always be in charge and correct other people would make you a good manager or teacher. You work well with other people, yet you have a tendency to always take over. You would make a great insurance agent, accountant, lab person, architect, or higher-up at your city hall.
Relationships – When it comes to love, you don’t have too much time for relationships. Your high standards make it feel as though most people are simply just not datable. If you are in a relationship, you tend to keep yourself closed off in fear of revealing any imperfections or emotional weaknesses.
Advice – Let your hair down and go do something for the fun of it! Not everything has to have a purpose. Breathe deeper, laugh louder, sing! Your tendency to be so linear is blocking your access to creativity and the genius that lies within you. You have to be willing to let go and rediscover that child that is still alive within yourself. Find the joy in doing something “pointless”. Literally, LIVE LIFE!
3 – Safe
Life – Your life is beautiful, simple… predictable. You like it that way. You don’t seem to live with any big highs or lows, for an even keel is how you roll. You appreciate art, good quality, and the beauty in almost everything. You are an artsy person but would tend to spend your time scrapbooking or gardening, instead of trying to create a wall mural on a downtown building.
Career – Although your career might not be very exciting to you, it provides you with safety, security, and comfort. You like to keep life clean and safe… without any mess-ups. There is a part of you that craves something more. Deep down you know that you were made for a bigger platform, but it is your mind that gets in the way of you taking that leap. Your best job match would be anything in which you feel organized, safe, and out of the spotlight.
Relationships – You have a few close friends who you cherish. You want a partner that is calm and grounded even though at times you wish you had a little more excitement in your life. You are a picky person who is clear on what you want in a relationship. However, you tend to be a long-term partner and do not jump from one relationship to another.
Advice – It appears that things come easy to you and your life is pretty laid back. Take some time to appreciate all the good things in your life. Carpe Diem! Spice things up. When unplanned things come up, they will take a deep breath and try to relax. You need a change in your life, for it is how you grow. It’s all about keeping the clarity.
4 – Purpose
Life – You long to get out into the world, do big things, make an impact, and shake things up. You truly want to be a part of something great that positively changes the lives of others. You don’t necessarily want to be the leader of an entire movement, but you do want to be a major contributor to the cause.
Career – You seek adventure, social situations, and the outdoors and you connect with others easily. You feel anxious about making any major decisions when it comes to your career, for you are always living on the edge of your seat. You might feel unsatisfied about where you are now, but the key is to always have something small to rely on. You would make a great rock climbing instructor, trail leader, peace rally leader, or fishing tour captain.
Relationships – You love to connect with others who also feel passionate about a cause or purpose. You love to discuss ideas and plans that will make a difference in the lives of others. You attract the movers and the shakers. You love to connect romantically with people who have plans or desires to do something great. The love bond is always a positive change.
Advice – You have a purpose in even the most mundane tasks. You find the purpose in your current everyday jobs. Offering a smile to a stranger has a more profound impact on the world than you realize. When you feel the anxiousness rise up, take a breath and remember that you are right now fulfilling your purpose. Even if things don’t look the way you think they should for you, every moment is as it should be. It’s great to be free, but it’s not so overwhelming if you keep a small piece of stability.
5 – Independent
Life – You are a deep thinker who loves to learn, read, and be alone. You crave solitude. All time for you is important time… for deep contemplation. You tend to feel uninspired to get out and do things that require high energy or meeting new people. However, on the other side of things, you love to have coffee while people watching and love to observe the world around you. You most likely have achieved a great deal in your lifetime, yet you are uninspired by your accomplishments.
Career – You need to do something that has to do with research, studying, analyzing, or learning. You don’t like much interaction with others, so quiet environments work best for you. You thrive when you are given minimal instruction and allowed self-direction. You are independent and like it that way. The best career for you would be an antiquities restorer, gardener, scientist, artist, or home-based web developer.
Relationships – Basically you are annoyed by people who seek attention. You like to talk about ideas and concepts rather than emotions. You communicate your emotions through metaphors, which most people tend not to understand. You need someone who gives you space and time alone. If someone pushes you, you will shut down and distance yourself.
Advice – You need to make time and space for people to get to know you. It is all right to be clear with your boundaries, just don’t shut people out! You have a lot of wisdom to share. You have a tendency to be suspicious of people who want to get to know you, so soften your approach. It is all right to let people in. This life is about developing relationships… and experiencing happiness, excitement, and love.
6 – Innocence
Life – As you skip through life, you tend to always be looking on the brighter side of things. You are a glass-half-full kind of person. You find the joy in situations, the good in other people, and beauty in everything. You have a sort of whimsy, lightness, and innocence about you. You appreciate fresh flowers, a home-cooked meal, or a beautiful sunset.
Career – You would be fantastic as a customer service agent, support worker, day care facilitator, social worker or doctor. You have a cheery disposition and are great at making other people feel heard. Children naturally feel safe and comfortable with you. You would also make a great stay-at-home parent.
Relationships – You have a large group of friends whom you love to host parties and outings with. You do not easily share any of your pain or struggles with them, keeping a very rosy outlook on things. You do not have much intimacy in your life, which is probably due to you not allowing yourself to become truly immersed in a relationship. Feel comfortable with life and the experiences it can show you. If you are in a relationship, enjoy more than companionship. It is alright to get close to someone you truly care for.
Advice – It is OK to be less than happy sometimes. Share your sadness or discomfort with someone you trust. It is healthier to release sadness and pain than to suppress it. It is ok to express the full range of emotions. Experience life to its fullest potential.
7 – Uncertain
Life – Your life is like a coin. It is a 50/50 split. Your type either needs to stop hiding in the background or bring it down a notch with your race to fame. At times it might feel more comfortable not being the center of attention; gaming, staying home, being the wallflower while you are with others… You might tend to feel invisible, but deep down you want to be seen! You tend to be easily swayed into others' points of view, but it is time to stand up on your own and speak your truth. On the other side of the coin, you may need to step back and look at how you are approaching life and your lust to be seen. Not everything that leads to stardom makes you happy. You are uncertain about almost all the things that run through your head. It is time to get it together.
Career – You seek a position in which you feel the most comfortable. This might be where you can be totally invisible… or in the total spotlight. You crave the feeling of success to feel special. Whether that means an A+ on your report card or a record contract; you need reassurance to make you feel good. You would make a good entrepreneur, author, public speaker, or inventor.
Relationships – Because you feel vulnerable, you don’t let anyone in too close. You want to maintain the image that you have everything together. If anyone says anything that might possibly help your situation; you feel easily attacked by criticism, avoid any kind of confrontation, and would rather cut someone out of your life with the fear of losing an argument. You tend to control or override romantic partners. You stay very needy and don’t leave space for your lover’s wants and desires.
Advice – You have a fragile ego which comes from a fear of being rejected. You have a tendency to be selfish, controlling, and an emotional hog. A great question to ask your self would be… Who am I really? Seek to discover your true identity rather than just being who you think you need to be for others to love and accept you. Even as you read this, you will find it hard to accept this advice.
8- Suffering
Life – You are a total people pleaser that puts the needs of others, before your own. You give whatever you have to other people, for them to reach their goals and live their best life. You have a tendency to over-do it and wear yourself out. You are always sacrificing yourself and your health. You want to continuously be helping the underdog, due to your big heart. It would make sense if you feel that money is a form of corruption. You are all about others but…. IT IS ALL RIGHT TO RECEIVE TOO!
Career – You would be fantastic in a grassroots company with a cause. If you are not putting in 24 hours a day, you won’t feel comfortable doing it.
Relationships – You are a great and loyal friend that is always there for others. You listen and help wherever you can, for you are fun and easygoing. You are the type of person who would defend your friends and would speak out if you see any kind of injustice. In a romantic relationship, you are such a compassionate person who has a tendency to disregard your own needs to satisfy your partner.
Advice – You need to seek balance in your life! It is ok to receive, as much as it is to give. Learn to receive and accept help from others. Don’t allow yourself to give up to a point where you are totally depleted and worn out. Chances are, that is the state you are usually operating from.
9 – Curious
Life – You are a seeker of adventure, ready to travel at the drop of a hat. You will try anything once and always live to tell the mind-blowing story. You love to live on the edge, meet new people, discover new places, and feel free. You have a strong will that is naturally inspiring to other people.
Career – You will have many fulfilling careers in your lifetime, for you are always growing and learning. Your career choices reflect your zest for life. You would make a fantastic entrepreneur, adventure guide, or a natural leader of some kind.
Relationships – You are a generous friend and lover. You will offer everything you have to help another. You tend to have a short fuse, which if someone steps over the line, you will let it be known. You don’t tolerate any nonsense and therefore people are attracted to you. You have a magnetic personality that is intriguing and interesting. In a romantic relationship, you are generous, wear your heart on your sleeve, and can’t seem to hide your feelings. You are all about going big… or going home.
Advice – You need to have patience when you want something. Develop a little more patience and know that everything happens in perfect timing. Adventure is something everyone should experience, but just make sure you stay safe about your decisions.
10 – Adrenaline
Life – You are an adrenaline junkie that was born with a desire to dive off cliffs, race cars, swim with sharks, or skydive. You have a flamboyant and strong personality. You are a natural leader, a fast talker, a visionary, and have tons of energy. You always find adventure in mundane tasks.
Career – Obviously you need a career in which you are not sitting at a desk or standing still. You are a leader who loves to inspire other people to the point of greatness.
Relationships – When it comes to relationships, you tend to be self-centered and don’t realize that you could be crushing someone who is not outspoken like you. Romantically, you often don’t take into consideration other people’s emotions. You are not the most compassionate person, but at times you can be a very passionate person. Find balance here.
Advice – Take time to notice how other people are feeling. It would be helpful to take a softer approach when communicating your ideas and desires. You will notice that others will be more receptive and open. Seek to inspire, rather than rush someone. It will always work out in your favor.
11 – Disappointed
Life – Your head is full of mental activity. You are easily annoyed, frustrated, and dissatisfied. You are living in the past and hold regrets about things that you just cannot change. You feel as though your best years are far off in the distance behind you.
Career – You feel that any job you land in is pointless and uninspiring. What is it that you would actually love to do?
Relationships – Relationships make you feel disappointment or betrayal. You feel that people are selfish and only care about themselves. So really… how could a relationship work for you? If you are in a romantic relationship, you most likely feel deeply unsatisfied due to your own issues. If you are dating, it never really seems to go past the second date.
Advice – Let go of the past, for it does not control your future. Take some time to decide how you want your life to be… rather than waste your energy wishing things were different. Start doing activities that allow you to experience more joy. Take yoga or dance classes, or just go to the beach. Hey – Start experiencing joy damn it!
12 – Responsible
Life – You are a very happy person with a cheerful disposition. Deep down though, you have a heaviness and anxiety to you. You feel a weight on your shoulders that you easily cover with rainbows and kittens. You take on so much responsibility, especially when it comes to friends and family. You are a caretaker who has a strong sense of self. You also love solving problems. Listening to others' problems and creating solutions for everyone’s needs is your purpose. You need to make sure you are not being taken advantage of, for people are attracted to your ‘fix it’ energy.
Career – You would do very well in a career where you know you are helping others, such as a psychologist, social worker, receptionist, librarian, flight attendant, etc.
Relationships – You tend to be attracted to a partner who always needs something because you need a project relationship. This kind of relationship is usually one-sided, which takes a toll on the caretaker. Is this want you really want to be doing? You need balance within your love life or any relationship you enter into. You are just as important as anyone else.
Advice – You need to take a moment to consider if you want to help everyone. If helping gives you a sense of peace or purpose… does it always feel that way? People will love you no matter what. You need to protect yourself and say NO sometimes. People might not recognize the word ‘NO’ from your mouth, but you will, in turn, get a sense of empowerment from standing your ground.